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3rd January 2020
Category 6 Thatcham trackers, what is one?
A Category 6 Thatcham and insurance Approved tracker is a small covert tracking device which is installed into your vehicle to allow its location to be traced in the event of a theft. These devices work throughout Europe and use a variety of methods to communicate their position. They require an annual subscription to be paid which allows it to be monitored 24/7 by a secure control centre. The category 6 tracker subscriptions generally cost £138 to £168 per year or £12.49 per month.
Category 6 trackers are designed and built to meet approval by Thatcham for use by insurance companies. Though many excess the Thatcham standards. Many of these insurance Approved trackers will use GSM, GPS and GPRS to transmit data and pin point the vehicles location. They lay dormant in the vehicle until they are required to locate and position the vehicle in real time once a theft has been confirmed.
Category 6 trackers will silently alert the control room should they see:
The secure operating centre staff will then contact the owner to advise of the alert from the Category 6 tracker and confirm if a theft has occurred.
Should your vehicle be stolen by key theft of Key Cloning then all you have to do is call the control centre, confirm your identity and they will start to locate the vehicle via the category 6 tracker. Once it's location has been pinpointed they will then liaise with the nearest appropriate police force and with a level one police response, guide officers in to the location.
Once recovered by Police the Category 6 tracking company will arrange the recovery of your vehicle back to your home address.
Safe & Sound Vehicle Systems have installed 1000's of category 6 tracking systems to a variety of vehicles over the years and as such have built a phenomenal reputation as one of the leading suppliers of insurance approved trackers in Yorkshire. We can be found on the Thatcham website and are often recommended by many insurance companies due to our affiliation directly with Thatcham. This sees us travel across Yorkshire & Derbyshire installing category 6 trackers for both new and old customers along with many of our trade customers also.
A selection of our most popular Category 6 insurance trackers are shown below. If you would like to know more then please feel free to contact us on 0113 3979597 or email